The Framework For Passive Income - Framework4pi

The course with resell rights where you keep 100% of the profit. (plus community & software)

Knowledge Library

Coming Up With Unique (Content | Subjects | Prompts | Captions)


Here’s a simple formula for creating an instant clarity subject | prompt | caption:

Formula = [End Result Customer Wants] + [Specific Period Of Time] + [Address Their Objections]

  • Want to [lose 20lbs] by [the end of the month] without having to [lift a single weight]?
  • Learn how to [lose 20lbs] by [the end of the month] without having to [lift a single weight].





[XX] Faq’s about your [solution to their problem] based on [__Q’s they should ask, are asking,problems they have or can’t solve, etc…___]



  • Create [10] faq’s about your [product/service] based on [10] questions people should be asking about your product or service but aren’t.
  • Create [5] faq’s about your [product/service] based on [5] questions people are asking about your product.


Self Discovery Quizzes (people love quizzes about themselves)

Table of Contents

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