The Framework For Passive Income - Framework4pi

The course with resell rights where you keep 100% of the profit. (plus community & software)

Do you sometimes feel like you’ll never get ahead in your business because you don’t have a huge following on social or a massive Facebook group? 😭

Don’t let the numbers intimidate you …

Don’t get fooled by them.

You could easily become a millionaire with 1,000 true fans. 💫

Let’s take a fun spin on the “1,000 raving fans” concept and see how it could lead to a whopping $1M in revenue if you’re rocking the high-ticket game.

Picture this: you have a tight-knit squad of 1,000 die-hard fans who can’t get enough of what you do. 💗

They adore your offerings and would shout your name from the rooftops if they could! 💗💗

Now, imagine you’ve cooked up an irresistible, top-shelf service that’s so fabulously fancy, it comes with a $1,000+ price tag.🎁💝

Here’s where the magic happens:

if each of your 1,000 super-fans splurges on your swanky high-ticket item, guess what?

You’ve just raked in a cool $1,000,000! 🤑

1,000 fans * $1,000 per oh-so-fancy offering = $1,000,000 in pure, unadulterated moolah.

Now, don’t get it twisted—this isn’t some get-rich-quick scheme, and there’s no money-back guarantee.

The real world is a bit more complex  -but this example shows that a cozy group of truly devoted fans can be the secret sauce to big-time success. 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️👯

Why chase millions of followers when you can delight a smaller crowd that’s genuinely attracted to your work?

Just remember:

quality over quantity is key!

Keep your fans happy with top-notch high-ticket products or services, and they just might make it rain dollar bills in return. 💸

Sometimes less is more, and with the right fanbase, you could be well on your way to a million-dollar payday! 💰

This is NOT an ordinary freebie. It's the beginning of your new idea.

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